Tuesday, April 10, 2012

antonia 4

Many of the people in the prairie community have emigrated to the United States. 
What cultural differences make it difficult for them to understand each other and get along? What common bonds bring them together as a community? 


  1. Some have old world views, like what Otto explains with German's and Bohiemians, politics of the old world get in the way. They do often have religion and the same struggles that keep them connected to one another.

    1. Where exactly is "Bohemia"?? SHould we listen to Bohemian Rhapsody tonight since we listed to G and R last week?? lol

    2. Bohemia is in Europe around the area of Germany and Poland.

  2. The immigrants of the community are already thought of as outsiders, most of them with the stigma of being untrustworthy, and quite possibly even problematic to deal with because of the language barrier. The differing cultures that have immigrated including the Germans, Bohemians, and Russians all have their own "cultural bias'" associated with eachothe and harbor them in America as well. Each culture is unsure of the other and no one should really trust anyone else fully, it is an anxious environment overall. What brings them together however is the desire of survival, of human compassion and kindness, the desire to help one another in such adverse surroundings. The harshness of the climate changes, the workload of farming, the knowledge to see it flourish so that families can survive brings these differing cultures together.

  3. The Nebraska prairie combines American born settlers with a range of European immigrants, such as the Bohemian Shimerdas, the Russians Peter and Pavel, and the Norwegian Lena. The immigrants faced many hardships. Some of the hardships were homesickness, inability to speak English, and cultural and religious differences. They wanted to overcome these hardships to fit in with the Americans. Getting by sometimes was difficult for the immigrants because they lacked some of the same opportunities as the Americans.
    In order to communicate with other families or travel from one place to another was very difficult and time consuming. The people would have to travel great distances in all types of harsh weather. Immigration to America was occurring rapidly and many diverse people started to form the new country. There was a lot of segregation and poverty. The immigrants were not wealthy and struggled to survive on what they had. They were tricked into buying expensive items and land. The different amount of languages spoken also made it extremely difficult to communicate with others.

    The different nationalities played an important role in all the immigrants’ lives. For example, the Shimerdas had “hated Krajiek, but they clung to him because he was the only human being from whom they could talk or from whom they could get information. The Shimerdas had immigrated to America and were not able to speak the native language, they could only communicate with Krajiek as their interpreter and he could tell then anything he chose. This led Krajiek to take advantage of the Shimerdas when he charged them more than what the land was worth and freeloaded off the Shimerdas.
